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Albert Lucas

Oceanographic ship

The oceanographic vessel, Albert Lucas, was built on behalf of the INSU (National Institute of Earth Sciences and Astronomy). It is operated in Brest and is designed to accommodate research, teaching, and observation activities for the European Institute for Marine Studies (IEUM) and the Iroise Marine Park.

Made entirely of polyester and designed in partnership with the CNRS technical department, this ship measures 11.55 meters by 4.20 meters wide, and it is powered by a 330hp engine.

This highly versatile vessel can be used to carry out work in various scientific disciplines. It also helps to train marine science students and can be used to carry out scientific diving missions.

The boat is equipped with a fishing winch, an electrocarrier, a hydrologic bracket, a crane, and a multibeam sensor. It also has an automatic weather station with satellite data transmission and a thermosalinometer for measuring the temperature and salt content of the sea water.